Big from Small
How you can make decent money out of something that appears to be minimal?
I have something that works in principal but I cannot predict how it will work for you until you actually do something about it.
This demonstration is hypothetical until such time as we have people join us.
The most probable offer is the metal. It is certain. It is literally pick up and sell.
Let us work with £1000.00. Let us say we have a good enough response so we can exchange metal for cash until we get £1000.00.
That is capital that can be turned into more capital.
Now you have been offered 130% on metal that you send to us.
It may just be be below par or slightly above par. That means you either pay for your postage or you would be slightly under.
Now how would you like to be guaranteed £5000.00 return.
That can happen but you have to sponsor it.
You first have to put oil into the system by advertising with one of our offers.
To be on my list of guarantees you need to send £25.00 to:
61 Bridge Street
The minute we receive your money we will start generating money for you. Again we cannot tell you how long this will take.
We need to see what comes in and at what rate it comes in.
It may take 6 month a year or more.
You see I have a stock of metals and when I need a cash boost
I take a trip to the scrap yard. Now with more metal coming in that is an instant injection into the business I can generate cash more speedily.
That will give me time and though my admin activities may increase the potential for growth makes it all worthwhile.
It would be nice to get more metal coming in the post but we have to move to the next stage pretty quickly as we would have an issue with space.
Here is where we can consolidate and guarantee a future.
You sign up under me in my Traffic Powerline:
Send £80.00 to;
61 Bridge Street
I will now work on giving you £15000.00 guaranteed.
Again we would look to satisfy this in as little time as possible sorry we have no reference right now.
Now I will offer you more money but you have to work for it.
Here is the link to my main page:
I am a one man band and I have to do all the admin for my business.
The lifeblood of this business is cash. Cash that comes in on a regular basis.
Please give a voluntary contribution of cash or metal and specify when you write or post to me.
I will be open with you and let you know how I have been able to scale my efforts to this point.
I am able to feed myself and I have a roof over my head.
If I need some funds I have enough friend and family I can ask for money. However I'm selective over when I knock on somebody's door. I do not want to over do it.
I have worked with family to borrow money to invest. We make enough to cover the loan payment and interest. I give them a cash incentive out of the loan and the profit goes into investing in my business.
I'm not in any way going to ask you to do that.
I know Jono Armstrong suggests that to his subscribers so I'm not the only one doing that.
He has a large customer base and he has run companies so outlets have a regard for his business. It does work.
Here is what I'm prepared to give you if you promote my link.
I will offer you £50K annually but with one proviso it is not guaranteed. It is proviso in my terms. If I don't make it the difference is rolled over into the following year.
what I will guarantee is you make at least £200.00 per month.
Now when I see an offer that has the potential to make me a lot of money usually the same day I find it difficult to sleep because my brain is in overdrive.
Now I have one loan going and am working on a second which I know I can get.
Now I have to watch where I do my transactions so I leave no paper trail.
So for me that's an extra £700.00 that can go into product development.
Now I have just recently had cataract operations done to both eyes. I still do spell checks but if you see some omissions please understand.
I'm still recovering but I'm o.k. However it would be nice if you partner with me. I want the satisfaction of helping people and seeing this system work. I have two pensions so I only want a small amount of money to supplement this.
I promise you one thing your surfing will reduce and you won't have to be checking to see if you made any sales like you do now.
I am in a situation where most of the time I know if I take this or that action this or that will happen.
There is very little frustration with that. I want that for you to.
As with everything else if you move on to the next slide show this one won't work for you.
This is coming to you from one who had to scrape for cash.
Would get cash but it never lasted, it would get burnt.
Now that has improved somewhat. If you want to move out of the realm of struggling for cash you need to be in on the action.
If you want to move into the realm of having cash and not even knowing you have it, it sounds mad but it is not as mad as you think.
When money comes in I with draw it. I deposit it in several places then I forget it is there. It is a welcome surprise when I stumble upon it some time later.
Now if you really really want to do exceptionally well you need to do one very exceptional deed.
Send me a whopping load of metal in bite size packages. Also send me the most amount of cash that you can risk not expecting anything back in return.
On the package put SACRIFICE in bold letters.
This a leap of faith I am not going to put here how I am going to reward such action. Use the contact details on the main page to alert me. I have put it below
Let me sum up everything in a sort of warning:
This business can close at any time:
This business has an automatic release valve.
It is triggered by volume and space.
when business reaches overflow point it is at risk of closing.
when we have a limit on space it will also be at risk of shutdown.
If you are in, this business has high thresholds and in order to fulfill them we have to limit entries.
This is not just a good read, it is real and it is practical.
Some will some won't. If you don't others will.
If they will then they shut the door on you not me.Ha Ha
From your well meaning friend Cameron
Take this seriously it is not hype. I am living it everyday.
NB: The internet is full of scams. One good thing about scams is you save money. I just came across one and I'm getting £252.00 back.
Don't make it a habit because if you do not get a refund you won't be laughing.
Here is an offer without limitation.
you do not have to join a plan to be involved.
you do not have to send metal if you don't want to.
If you send a voluntary contribution you will be well regarded.
Sorry you have to pay as I'm not good at extracting money out of thin air.
It is a twofold plan.
It cost me a lot of money to learn these tricks so it takes money to make money.
You can have direct access to £10000.00 for £200.00.
Every time we make £100.00 you make £1.50.
If we do £1000.00 in one month you make £15.00 We will do that for 1 year. Now if you send in metal we will double that offer for one year.
So your £15.00 could be £30.00 x 12= £360.00
Now if you send in a voluntary contribution, nothing below £50.00
I will quadruple your offer.
Lets see how it plays out:
£15.00 x 4 = £60.00 X 12 = 720.00.
Now if you sent £50.00 you would make a profit of £670.00.
For every £50.00 you send in we will add £2.20 to your order.
This is how it could look.
5 x 50 = £250.00
5 x 2.20 = 11
£1000.00 worth of business would be:
10 x 11 = 110.00
110 x 12 = £1320.00 -250 = £1070.00 Profit.
Well it could get a lot more exciting than that if we get the volume.
Did you ever think that old metal could yield this much profit?
I told you I'm a one man band but every time I go to sleep I wake up with more in the bag for you.
The effort is two fold, you do not get things for nothing you have to do something.
Remember all funds to be sent to:
61 Bridge Street
See you on the inside.
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